Employee Rewards

https://www.theglobalsourcing.in/the-global-sourcing/employee-rewards/ If you’re a supervisor or manager, you probably know how much more productive your team is when you make the effort to recognize each person’s contribution . In order to take employee recognition to the next level, however, and establish a company-wide system of rewards, you’ll need to be able to present the investment to your CEO or CFO in terms of the financial bottom line. Fortunately, a growing body of research makes this easy. A Workplace Trends Report finds that recognition programs yield 50 percent higher sales. With a solid positive ROI to back it up, an employee recognition program can be treated as part of your company’s overall strategy. In recognition in the workplace points out, “While recognition is not new, it is finally becoming more strategic as programs align recognition with business objectives and desired behavior.” Here’s some of the research that describes the nuts and bol...