
Showing posts from April, 2019

Gift Vouchers In Chennai

Image So for the last few days we have seen how lost and helpless we are feeling about cash.  Gift Vouchers  we as a society have been used to the fact that we cannot survive without cash, for years and years we were insisted on using it. What happened, one fine day we are told that we will not have cash for a couple of days and look at the panic and wait and chaos that has gripped people. Queues outside the ATMs and banks are as long as they can get because as mentioned, we have to have cash on us. Is it true, do we really need it that bad? Yes, we have to pay for things and services that we avail, but there has to be an alternative. Someone rightly said, paying for stuff isn’t fun, but it can be made simple. Gift Voucher  India simplifies all your payment needs! Think of all that you would have needed in the last few days that could have been purchased with Gift Vou...

Employee Rewards In Chennai

If you’re a supervisor or manager, you probably know how much more productive your team is when you make the effort to recognize each  person’s contribution . In order to take employee recognition to the next level, however, and establish a company-wide system of rewards, you’ll need to be able to present the investment to your CEO or CFO in terms of the financial bottom line. Fortunately, a growing body of research makes this easy. A Workplace Trends Report finds that recognition programs yield 50 percent higher sales. With a solid positive ROI to back it up, an employee recognition program can be treated as part of your company’s overall strategy. In recognition in the workplace points out, “While recognition is not new, it is finally becoming more strategic as programs align recognition with business objectives and desired behavior.” Here’s some of the research that describes the nuts and bolts of why rewarding employees ends up boosting the  company’s bottom ...